Xinhua reporter Hai Mingwei said a plastic water bottle, placed upside down on the floor standing air conditioner of his home in downtown Chengdu, fell in the aftershock. 新华社记者海明威就在成都室内,他在家里放了一个倒立的塑料水瓶,余震中水瓶倒了。
Applicable to all kinds of plastic, marble and terrazzo floor. 适用于各种塑胶地、大理石及水磨石地面。
Used on the marble floor, plastic floor, wooden floor, cement floor, terrazzo. 适用于大理石、胶地板、木地板、水泥地板、水磨石等。
The utility model relates to a non-skid floor tile for a common plastic floor, comprising flaky antiskid sheets and a floor tile plate which is made of polyvinylchloride material. 一种适用于一般塑料地板的防滑地砖,包括一般以聚氯乙烯材料制作的地砖板以及薄片状的防滑片;
An investigation was carried out for the recondition of a mould for the forming of automotive plastic floor board and a half-axle swing forging die. 介绍了几种典型模具快速修复工艺方法,并对汽车地板革成形模和汽车半轴摆动辗压模的修复进行了研究。
His temporary life is kept in a pile of cheap zip-up plastic bags on the floor. 他现在的事就是整理地上的一堆便宜的拉口塑料袋。
Perhaps most popular among cops is the rear compartment, which is sealed off from the front and made entirely of seamless, washable plastic, with drain plugs in the floor. 也许对警察来说最受到欢迎的就是车后舱。它与前舱隔离、完全由无缝、可洗塑料制作,并在车地板上有排水塞。
Is a high-performance structural plastic, epoxy paint, Floor, epoxy glass fiber reinforced plastics in areas such as the ideal of thinner. 是高性能建筑结构胶、环氧涂料、环氧地坪、环氧玻璃钢等领域理想的稀释剂。
I gesture toward the minefield of Legos, toy cars, and pointy plastic animals that litters the living room floor. 我指了指满地都是的积木、玩具车和塑料动物。
A Probe into Heated Length Variation of Hot-Pressed Composite PVC Plastic Floor Tiles 对热压复合PVC塑料地板砖加热长度变化率的探讨
Preparation of Polyurethane Plastic Floor of Pure Plastic 全塑型聚氨酯塑胶地板的制备
The deduced formulas and some results can be used to improve the property of antistatic plastic floor and are useful to the production and application of the floor. 文中导出的一些公式和结果可应用于防静电地板的改性,可供生产或使用防静电地板的单位参考。
Test and Analysis of Oxygen Transmission through Plastic Tube used by Radiant Floor Heating 国产地板辐射采暖塑料埋管的渗氧测试与分析
Construction technology of antistatic plastic floor 抗静电塑料地板施工技术
The Study of Flame-Retardant Polyurethane Plastic Floor 聚氨酯塑胶地板的阻燃研究
Studies of the Formula and Processing Technology for Rigid Filled PVC Plastic Floor Bricks 填充聚氯乙烯硬质塑料地砖配方与生产工艺的研究
This paper introduces a method that epoxy adhesion aged is palmed on interface of old-concrete to new-concrete-plastic floor drain, and surface of floor nearby plastic floor drain prevents leakage from arising when some new plastic floor drains are built in the balconies of some old house. 民用建筑中的地漏设置问题介绍了在旧混凝土一新混凝土一塑料地漏的接合面和塑料地漏附近的楼板面涂敷环氧胶粘剂的方法来防止某旧住宅楼阳台新修塑料地漏时出现渗漏。
Study of plastic pipe low temperature floor radiation 塑料管低温地板辐射研究
Treatment of Preventing Leakage When Some New Plastic Floor Drains are Built in the Balconies of Some Old House 某旧住宅楼阳台新修塑料地漏时防渗漏处理
Elastic& Plastic Analysis for Barrage Floor Plates 软基上水闸地板的弹塑性分析
Study on the preparation of wood plastic composite floor by using radiation method 辐射法制备木塑复合材地板
The study include the raw material polypropylene of wood plastic composite> composite technics and performance 、 wood plastic composite mechanism as well as the backing material of wood plastic composite intensive wood floor four content. 本论文对木塑复合材料的原料聚丙烯、复合工艺和性能、木塑复合机理及木塑复合强化木地板基材等四方面内容进行了研究。
This paper mainly introduces the use of double dense plastic formwork floor structure in large-size market and the treatment of tower building angle pile. 本文主要介绍塑模双向密肋楼板在大型商场建造中的运用和塔楼角柱的处理方法。
Study on the feasibility of plastic tubes for floor heating and cooling 塑料管材用于干式地板供热、供冷的可行性研究
Plastic theory design method for in-situ one-way floor slab in frame structures 纯框架结构现浇单向板楼盖按塑性理论计算的设计方法
The distribution of stress in floor continually changes and the plastic section in floor develops deeper during mining. 底板岩层内部应力分布随着开采的进行而不断变化。底板塑性区随着开采而向深部发展。
With the help of simulation test theory of solid mechanics and BEM ( Boundary Element Method), it has been found that elastic and plastic zones will occur in the roof and floor of pillars when mined by the strip-and-pillar method ( partial extraetion). 通过模型实验、运用固体力学理论分析和边界元计算求出了在采用条带法(部分开采)采煤时,在煤柱顶底板将出现弹性区和塑性区。
Preparation of adhesive for PVC Plastic Floor PVC塑料地板胶粘剂的研制
This Korean group company treats Chinese market as its main market, so it strengthens its marketing efforts so as to expand the market share of PVC plastic floor in China. AB公司把中国市场视为其主要市场,扩大市场推广力度,以进一步推进PVC塑胶地板在中国的市场占有率。
PVC plastic floor is one of the newest construction materials used to decorate the floor. It has been widely used abroad now and is popular in European countries, Asian countries, Japan and Korea. PVC塑胶地板是目前世界建材行业中最新颖的高科技铺地材料,已在国外装饰工程中普遍采用,在欧美及亚洲的日韩广受欢迎。